Thursday, December 22, 2011

Holiday Letters

I'm not a big fan of holiday letters.  People never use them for their original purpose, to update us on their lives--at least the major events.  Most of the time, it just seems that people use them to "brag" or "rub in your face all their good fortunes".  Not that I am opposed to people having good fortune, heck, don't we all deserve and want that? Sure, we do.  But, I don't feel that using a holiday letter to all your friends is the appropriate forum to brag undercover.  So, imagine my surprise when I received a holiday letter yesterday that actually was quite funny and sweet.  It had all the makings of the true purpose of what a holiday letter is supposed to made up of.  It was refreshing to read, made me chuckle, and got me thinking about how great a letter can truly be.

So, if I was to write a holiday letter this year, what would it say?  I can only imagine that it would go a little something like this:

Dear Family and Friends,

This year brought about many changes, many wonderments, new adventures, and a new baby!  Yes, we've only been married for 3 years, and we have two babies.  But, hey, it's not like we are in our early 20's and can afford to wait, have some fun, and make the honeymoon last longer.  Last time I checked neither one of us are getting any younger (darn you time, but thankful to my skin cream).  So, we had to get this machine pumped, cooked, and served.  So, now we are a family of four. 

I basically spent 75% of the year hunched over a toilet, creating fat pockets in places I never knew existed on my body, and chasing a one year old around the house.  Joy to the World! So, there's my changes, my adventures, and my wonderments.  It's amazing how a baby can do all that to ones body, all in a 9 month period.  So, the other 25% of our year has been spent changing diapers, being spit up on (I have somehow become the toilet that I was so accustomed to for the first 75% of the year), getting up several times during the night, being a milk cow on demand, and watching toys fly across the room.  Yeah, a joyous year it has been.

But, you know what people?  I wouldn't trade any of this for the world, okay, maybe the throwing up 10 times a day part, but everything else is worth it when I look at, hold, and kiss my babies.  So, what has the hubby been up to?  Who knows? He disappears from the room when someone is crying or someone has pooped. It's amazing what a little poop can do to a grown man.  I guess I now know the secret of how to get alone time.

Till next year folks!

Yeah, I'm sure my letter would be a lot longer than this, but I can imagine that this would be part of it.  Heck, that took my energy to complete then I can save up in a week.  Yeah, I'm pretty sure this holiday letter stuff is not for me.  I'll just stick to my day job.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanksgiving Recipes & Thankfulness

The one thing we should never lose sight of is what we are truly thankful for.  Thanksgiving shouldn't be the only time of year that we gather with our family & friends, the only time we reflect on what we are thankful for, or tell others why we are thankful.  I know that I am forever grateful for God giving me life, a great family, and blessing me with the care of my two absolutely wonderful boys.  Even when I feel stressed with work, my kids, my husband, and whatever else we stress about in life, I know that I am truly more blessed than 98% of the people in this world.  I have a roof over my head, food on the table, an education, a job, and a family who loves me unconditionally.  What more could a gal ask for?  Not much.

Now, let's get onto some recipes, yo!

My favorite food on Thanksgiving is mashed potatoes, I think I could just eat these all day long and be satisfied.  The recipe I am posting will not have amounts next to them as the amounts vary depending on how many people I am cooking for and my own personal taste at the moment.  However, I will steal a picture of potatoes from the Taste of Home website for now--just a generic photo, not one of my potatoes.  Recipe below the photo:


Red Potatoes
Sour Cream
Cream Cheese
Garlic Salt
Shredded Cheddar Cheese


Cube the red potatoes (do not peel) and bring to a boil for approx. 20 minutes.  Drain and put into kitchen mixer.  Add butter, milk, cream cheese, and sour cream.  Beat on medium-low for 2 minutes.  Add in garlic salt, paprika, and cheddar cheese.  Mix for another minute or so.  I usually taste the potatoes as I am mixing to see if I need to add more garlic salt or paprika.  Serve immediately.

I sometimes will put them into a baking dish, top with a layer of cheddar cheese, and bake in the oven at 350 for 20 minutes to give it a nice crisp texture.

Macaroni and Cheese

I absolutely love this recipe I found on a blog!  It has a nice kick to it and is simply delicious.  I will post the picture and link to the recipe.  Now, I am not fond of onions, so I omit them from the recipe.  Enjoy!

Baked Parmesan Tomatoes

This recipe has been modified from website.


Tomatoes- halved horizontally
Grated Parmesan Cheese
Fresh Oregano or Basil
Salt and Pepper
Dijon Mustard
Olive Oil


Preheat oven to 450 degrees.  Place tomatoes cut-side up on a baking sheet. Place a small drop of dijon mustard in the center of each tomato. Drizzle with olive oil and top with parmesan cheese, oregano or basil, salt and pepper. Bake for approximately 15 minutes.  You can also put these on the grill for a barbecue. =)

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Spongebob Balloon

My mom decided to take Pierce out the other day so that I could have a break.  I definitely needed a nap, and since my little one was sleeping, I was able to do so when she took Pierce out.  Well, they got home around his nap time and I walk into his room while my mom is putting him down for his nap.  I noticed that he has a Spongebob balloon next to his bed--ok, he was hanging onto the string.  My mom was like, "Yeah, I got him a balloon." 

Well, when he woke up from said nap, the balloon was still in his hand.  He came down the stairs and the adventure with the balloon began.

Let's take a look at his day with the balloon:

This is him eating his yogurt for lunch (this is after he came downstairs)

Going back up the stairs after lunch to get a bath

Carrying his balloon and his towel to the bathroom to get a bath.

Yep, you guessed it, the balloon is in the bathtub with him.

In honor of the Spongebob balloon, we put in a blue and a yellow bath fizz tab.

Walking back to his room after his bath

All dressed in his jammies and ready to head back down the stairs after his bath

Outside, on the slide of his play set.

Riding his tricycle outside with the balloon still firmly attached!

I didn't get a pic of him jumping on the trampoline with it.

So, later that evening, his foot got caught up in the cord and the weight snapped off and he let go of it.  It floated towards the ceiling and he started screaming as if someone had cut off his thumb.  My mom couldn't move fast enough to grab the string and get the balloon back into his hands.

Please note, that in all the pictures, he is hanging onto the balloon, and not the string.  So, you can understand why he was so upset about the balloon being in the air, even when he could still grab the screen.


Sunday, November 13, 2011


I've started the process of trying to organize the boys playroom--post down below.  Then, in my search on one of my favorite sites--Etsy-- for stuff for Cohen's nursery, I came across this:

Courteous of OpenHeartCreations on Etsy

Then I saw this one!

Courteous of OpenHeartCreations on Etsy

I started wondering if I should get this decal and take down my wooden letters.  I absolutely LOVE it!!  How perfect that I have two boys and it fits perfectly into the playroom theme.  Hmmmm.....wonder what my hubby would think about this instead of what we already have.  Considering that the letters were first glued then nailed into the wall, I don't know how excited he would be to take it down.  But, we shall see.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Today marks my 3rd anniversary with my wonderful husband.  We've been together for 5 1/2 years and married for 3.  Three years and two kids later and we haven't killed one another yet.....heehee.  Here's to many more with one of the kindest and caring people I know.  Don't tell him I said this as he would deny it all. ;) 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Playroom Makeover

We have this room attached to our family room--no doors separating the two rooms, just a wall, but there are two openings in the wall, so it's just a weird space.  When Pierce was about 8 months old, we turned it from an office into a playroom for him.  We figured this way we could have a place for all of his toys and still monitor him while he plays.  Well, over a year later, toy land has exploded into a Toys R' Us and has gotten a little out of control.  It's still clean and organized, but I'd like it to look more like a "play room" that is completely organized and a space for our little ones.  My husband is a sucker, so I don't see the toy/game/cars/power wheel shopping stopping anytime, change needs to occur.

Well, here is my first step.  I have to start somewhere, and this gives the room more of a purpose and a statement.

Yes, I realize the letter are a little crooked and all, but I'm a teacher, not an interior decorator.  Although it does drive me a little batty looking at it and realizing that it's not perfect.  But, those letters are glued to the wall and then nailed in, so don't think I will be fixing it anytime soon. =)

Next step, buying a 16 cubicle shelf that I can use to start the ultimate organization.  I know the kids could care a less, but it will make this A-type personality gal feeling much more accomplished and on top of things.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Christmas shopping has begun....

I know Thanksgiving is still 3 weeks away, but we all know that Christmas all but rears its white, ugly head and takes over the infamous turkey day.  I think Thanksgiving is starting to get a little irritated and needs to let Christmas know how it feels....

So, now that Christmas has been put into its place, let's move on to why I'm here today: Christmas shopping.....heehee

Between the husband, the two kids, family members, and friends, I have to start early, so I don't feel inundated at the last moment.  Plus, there is nothing more devastating (to me at least) when you see that perfect gift, hold off on buying it because it's too early to do so, and when you go back to get it, it's either gone or the price has gone up.  I choose to buy it when I see it instead. =)

Well, here's a gift that I think the hubby needs to buy for Pierce.  If it puts a smile on his face, then why not....

And, I found one at Buy Buy Baby! Yes, Pierce, here is your big gift for Christmas.  It will go in the backyard right next to your swing set and trampoline! 

Mommy and Daddy

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween 2011

It's that time of the time of the year.....ghosts, goblins, and witches, oh my! This is officially Pierce's 3rd Halloween, but his first time going out trick-or-treating.  He was only one month old his first Halloween.  He was a giraffe that year and a lion last year.  He has always looked so darn cute, so why mess with what works......yep can you say "The cutest monkey EVER????" Yeah, I thought so too....

Ok, so we can't forget baby Cohen!

And, a side-by-side of Cohen (left) and baby Pierce (right) wearing the same giraffe costume.
My poor babies!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Backyard Project

We've lived in the cookie-cutter track neighborhood (albeit, we really don't like our neighborhood, but I digress...) for almost 5 years now.  We put a paver patio in, some grass, and a fountain that never worked.  We never went out back and I kept the curtains closed because I was ashamed for people to see the sorry state that our yard was in.  I almost started to feel that I would rather look at a dirt field then look at our grass that was dead in spots and the pavers that will popping up due to misinstallation.

So ashamed in fact, that I will not post pics of the before here.....

However, in comes super husband to the rescue and now our yard is turning into our own little utopia of relaxation, family and friend filled bbq's, and a place for my boys to run and play.

This is about as before as I will get for ya'!


BBQ Under Construction

Fire Pit

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

No Words to Describe

I used to always think that I never wanted kids.  I like having my freedom and the independence to do whatever I wanted whenever I pleased.  But, having Pierce changed all that.  Now, that Cohen has arrived, my world and heart has expanded into regions I never thought possible.

How can you NOT love this face?!?!?!

Photo Courtesy of: Chris Cho Nelson Photography

Meet Baby Cohen

It's been awhile since I've posted, but being in the last stages of pregnancy kept me mostly resting and keeping my feet up.  I was scheduled to have a C-section on October 3rd; however, Cohen had his own plans.

I started having contractions that were about 30 minutes apart last Saturday night.  Around 3 in the morning, they were about 15 minutes apart.  I remember thinking that I could feel like this for a few days and jokingly told my husband that I felt like he was in the birth canal already.  Around 11, my husband contacted Labor and Delivery and they told me to drink a lot of water and rest for an hour. If they didn't subside within an hour to call back.  So, we called back, and they told me to go ahead and come on in.  We, in all honesty, thought they would send us home, but we took my bag anyways.  Imagine my surprise when I got to the hospital and they told me I was 5 cm already!  Baby was ready to make his appearance.

As I was in the OR, I had a myriad of emotions going through my head.  I didn't get to experience the birth of my son, Pierce, because I had to be knocked out.  So, I was excited, nervous, and anxious all at the same time.  When they first showed him to me, I began to cry because it was the most beautiful thing to experience.

Meet Baby Cohen!

Saturday, September 25, 2011
9 lbs. 4 ozs.
21 1/2 inches
4:41 PM

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Pow...Pow....Power Wheels...Pow...Pow....Power Wheels

My in-laws had bought Pierce a Lightning McQueen power quad for Christmas this past year.  It said it was for 18 months-3 years and he was 15 months at the time.  But, we thought, "What the heck? It can't hurt to try it and see what he does."  Well, he cried and clung to my husband as if he had just seen a ghost.  So, it's been sitting in his toy room since December 25, 2010.

This past weekend we had a little shindig at our house and a few people had brought their kids.  They are older than Pierce and were having fun in the toy room.  They broke out the Lightning McQueen car, started riding it, and having fun.  Well, guess who wanted to join in on this fun?  That's right!  Pierce to the Poo.  After everyone left, my hubby brought the car back out and put Pierce on it.  Except, he wouldn't sit on it.  So, in true Stephen (my hubby) fashion, he taught him how to stand on the seat and ride it.

Yep, he hasn't quite learned that Pierce mimics and remembers everything he does and/or teaches him.

However, I am just happy that he is no longer scare of the loud noise that it makes.  But, this past week, he has decided that sitting down on it is probably the safer way to go, albeit, if not the easier way to maneuver it.

How can you not love this face?? =)

Friday, August 19, 2011


Ok, I don't eat guacamole.  Besides the fact that it does not look appetizing to me to begin with (I can hear the outcry of horror that is both displayed on your face and coming out of your mouth), I happen to be allergic to avocados.  I guess, then, it doesn't really matter if I would like it or not, or whether it looks good, or smells good, etc....  I still couldn't touch it or eat it.

But, not all hope is lost.  You know how some people like to live out their life-long dreams through their kids?  You know the ones who make their kids stay at the baseball fields for 8 hours a day while they pitch the ball to them and then yell when they don't do what they want them to do?  The ones who don't care if they like soccer or dance, but make them participate because it's what they wanted to do?  (Really, the parents sucked at it themselves, so they hope their child can fulfill what they weren't able to)  I digress......... 

I will live out everyone who likes guacamole, besides me, dreams and have my kid eat it!  Just kidding, I really would never put my shortcomings onto my own child, at least not intentionally.  But, guess what?  Pierce LIKES it!  I can't say whether or not he loves it as he is unable to verbally communicate just how much he likes/loves it.  My husband was eating chips and guacamole the other night and I told him to let him try it.  He ate it and then held his hands out for more.  Yep, proud of my little boy.  Proud that he is not taking after his mama--who doesn't like to try new foods and pretty much eats the most plain items that exist in this world. 

The proof is in the pudding, or should I say, guacamole!

And, School is Back in Session

Yes, it's been almost a month since I've posted.  It's been so crazy busy in trying to get the new school year started.  I am now teaching 6 different classes this year, plus running ASB.  I was beginning to feel overwhelmed by it all the first week of August, mostly because I'm in my 3rd trimester of pregnancy, trying to get my lessons prepared, and plan for my sub.  I was used to getting up early, due to the farmer baby who resides in the room next door to mine.  However, I was not prepared to not have my daily 2 hour naps, and being able to relax when I felt tired.

So, school officially started on Thursday, August 12th.  I have everything up and running--I never said smoothly--but nonetheless, it's running.  I have one week left of work before I head out on maternity leave.  I have decided that I can only control so much and my sanity and the baby's health is way more important then lesson plans, kids who can't keep their mouths shut, and all the changes that are being implemented at my school.  I chose my sub specifically for her ability to take charge and be "me" in my absence.  Therefore, I need to "trust" in my choice and in her and let things fall as they may.  I have 4 more days of work, and I can get the relaxation that I crave, and quite honestly, feel I deserve.  Awe......the end is near.  I'll be happy when the pregnancy hormones calm down, because let's face it, all us mamas know, they never go away. =)


Sunday, July 31, 2011

Farmer Baby

Last time I checked, we live in a neighborhood with a hundred other homes. My backyard has grass, pavers, and a fountain. Nowhere do I see a cow that needs to be milked, chickens that need to be fed, horses that need hay, or crops that need to be tended to. So, why does my son think that he is a farmer and needs to wake up at the butt crack of dawn everyday???? I didn't realize I had a boy who aspires to be a farmer. 

Now, I don't necessarily mind when I have to get up early and get ready for work.  But, I have one week left of summer vacation, and I would just LOVE to sleep in until 8, at least one day.  I know I really shouldn't complain when he does go to bed at 8 at night with no complications or meltdowns and he sleeps through the night.  My days of complete rest at night are going to end in 2 months when our new little one arrives.  But, it doesn't mean that I still don't long for the days when I could at least lie in bed until 8 or 9 and then mosey on out to start my day.  Seeing his face, his smile, and his early morning giggle to help to ease the pain of the 6 AM morning calls.


Monday, July 18, 2011


It's been a couple of weeks since I've blogged, but we've been a little busy here at home, not to mention that I haven't been feeling very well at this point in my pregnancy.  So, I'll give a little update about our recent trip to Vegas and post pics later, since my husband took the camera to work with him.

Our niece turned the big one on July 7th, and her parents were throwing her a birthday party on the 9th.  So, we decided to go and make a weekend of it.  Vegas is always an interesting place to go when you're 6 months pregnant and have a 21- month- old in tow.  The drive is pretty amazing as well (can you feel the sarcasm dripping from my mouth yet?). =)  Pierce was a trooper and did very well on the 5 hour drive.  The only mishap that we had was that at about 20 minutes out from Vegas, Pierce decided to shove a bunch of cheese in his mouth and that didn't go over very well. 

Stephen got us and his parents a suite at the Cosmopolitan, which is a very beautiful hotel.  The suite was nice, but we did have some mishaps with it.  We had requested to be on the side of the Bellagio fountain because it's a quieter side of the hotel, which we didn't get.  So, even though we were 30 floors up, our room shook almost the entire night because they put us right above where their nightclub is.  Thankfully, Pierce could sleep through a bomb exploding, so he had a restful night.  Stephen did complain the next night and they moved us and his parents into new suites on the other side of the hotel. I guess his parents suite was much louder than ours. We now had a beautiful view of the fountain at the Bellagio and I got some awesome pictures of it.  The hotel hooked us up in other ways because of the mix-up and also because they left us in the new suite with no keys to access the room.  It also took them almost 5 hours to get us changed, so it practically wasted our day.

 Stephen and I were able to go out and have dinner at Serendipity with some friends who live there while his parents watched our little munchkin.  We did some shopping afterwards.  He bought me a really nice Coach diaper bag and he bought he and Pierce matching blue LaCoste shirts--so adorable.  He really does love that boy!  They wore their matching shirts to our niece's birthday party.

I don't really want to get into the whole logistics of the trip because then it will just sound like I'm a downer, and afterall, we shouldn't let the little things bring us down, right? Right. =)  I know, a boring post, but if I went into the nitty gritty you wouldn't think it was so boring.......oh well, such is life.

Pics will be posted soon!


Monday, July 4, 2011

Afternoon of Fun....

I think we are suckers.  Not the kind that get licked, thrown, hair stuck in them, and basically abused by the children of America.  I mean the kind that walk into a store and can't resist "buying" something for their beloved child.  Yes, the same child that was throwing the royal tantrums the other day.  I digress.  I justify everything that we get for him.  I mean, the child needs some sort of entertainment--he is a boy after all.

Well, we got him a little table set complete with an umbrella.  Seeing that we live in Murrieta, where it is hotter than Hades outside, he needed a little shade to protect his porcelain white skin.  That, and we figured the table inside would teach him how to sit at the "big boy" table, sit and draw, do art projects, etc...  Yes, I am still continuing to justify the purchase of this product.  In the words of my husband, "He is worth every penny."  And, I concur.  He LOVES it!  He drags the table and the chairs all over our kitchen, mind you, that we store the table set in his play room.  He did sit at it this morning and drank his milk.  It was a sight to make his little mama's heart melt into a big pile of oozy goo.

     Does this not make your heart melt?  I even love his cheesy smile!

Yes, he loves his stuffed animals.

Next up on this list: Markers!  Now, this isn't his first experience with markers, but something was a little different about today.  He's discovered that they work just as well on him as they do on the paper. Therefore, he felt he made a better canvas then did the drawing for his grandma. Let the marking begin!

Bath time commenced after this escapade.  He really is worth every penny, every tantrum, every heart melt, every tear....
I love you so much Pierce Elliott Lane. =)


Thursday, June 30, 2011

One Tired Mama....

I think yesterday was one of the most trying days, thus far, that I have had as a momma.  Farmer baby woke up at 6:30 in the morning, and I remember thinking to myself, "Only 5 1/2 hours until he takes a nap, and, therefore, I can take a nap too."  I know that sounds horrible, but I didn't have a good night's sleep to begin with.  It's getting harder and harder to sleep at night and at around 2:30 AM, I woke up not feeling so well.  I threw up several times, and at one point, it was so bad that I had to actually take a shower to clean myself up before hopping back into bed.  So, I was just starting the day tired.

Around 7:30 A.M. the tantrums began.  Now, normally he will throw himself on the ground, I walk away, and he stops like 30 seconds later, and all is well in Pierce land again.  NOT today!  Oh my goodness, they were happening about every 5 minutes it seemed.  I couldn't figure out what was wrong with him and nothing seemed to satisfy him.  Finally, after about two hours, I was like we are going to get out of the house.  I took him upstairs so I could get ready and get him dressed.  He was perfectly fine until I had to blow dry my hair.  He started crying and I picked him sat him up on the bed and let him play with my phone.  Since I still had to finish my hair I needed to take him off the bed, since it is higher up.  Well, that did not make him happy.  He threw the most royal of all tantrums.  As I started to set him on the floor, he began withering around, slipped from my grasp, and hit his head on the floor.  Well, that just sent him into a further tizzy.  I walked away and the entire time I was blow-drying my hair he was rolling all over the floor screaming.  He finally settled down.

I finally make it downstairs with him, where he commences to throw a tantrum on the kitchen floor.  I'm just shaking my head at this point, grabbed my cell phone, and decided to video record this latest tantrum.  He settled down a little bit when he saw that I was recording him, of course, but was still throwing a small fit.  I thought this would be a GREAT video to send to my hubby to show him how my day was going thus far.  Yeah, I never heard back.  =)  He was probably thinking, "I"m glad I am at work."  I finally get him settled down with some applesauce and milk.

Headed to Child's Play......he does fine for the first 10 minutes, when he decides to scream and cry.  He stops after about 30 seconds.  About 45 minutes later he hits the floor royally because I moved one of those things you can ride on down a slide.  Seriously, kid?!?!?!?!  I was not dealing with it, so I picked him up and on home we go.  We get home, I put him down for a nap and he is out within 5 minutes.  The sound of peace and quiet fill the air.  I'm thinking, "maybe this is what this kid needed.  Maybe he was just tired still."  Let's hope for a better afternoon when he gets up.

He sleeps for almost 3 1/2 hours and everything seems to be going well.  He has a few spurts of crying, but 15 seconds later he is well again.  I let him run around outside for a little bit, and before I know it, he has walked into the pool with his I-phone.  There it is, lying at the bottom of the pool and I'm saying to myself, "NO! NO! NO!"  This cannot be happening.  That I-phone is our savior at times because it has all of his programs on it.  Well, that's what I get for using the restroom and forgetting to lock the backdoor.

Finally, my hubby arrives home and I'm feeling some sort of relief come over me.  He loves his daddy and he just wants to be held by him, be around him, play with him, etc...  I figured the "new" face will do him some good.  And, thank goodness for my hubby.  He gave him a bath, read to him, played with him, and fed him dinner while I made his dinner.  He seemed to have a better last two hours before going to bed.  Oh, did I mention that I fell down the stairs earlier while carrying him??  Yeah, six months pregnant, carrying a 21 month old, and stairs just don't mix.  I thought I was going to have a mental breakdown at that point.  But, like all other moms out there, I survived!  On to today............he's at class, so I get some rest. =)


Tuesday, June 28, 2011


My husband comes downstairs, sits on the couch, and begins to put his shoes and socks on.  He turns and looks at me and says, "You know honey, if you want me to be a cross-dresser, you can just tell me.  You don't have to drop little hints off for me to get the idea.  It's okay, if that's what you want, I can conform when we are at home."  I'm sure you could imagine the confused and bewildered look on my face.  Did he just say what I think he said?  The man who likes to shoot guns, race RC cars, get dirty, wakeboard, etc... just mention the idea of dressing like a woman to me?  Now, for those of you whom have met my husband, would know that he is a jokester, and you usually can't take him seriously.  So, I'm trying to figure out in my head the point he is trying to make.  In the meantime, I'm just sitting there staring at him like a deer in the headlights.......

Finally, he says, if you want me to dress like a woman you don't need to leave your necklaces in my sock drawer.  Still, not processing what is being said, he clarifies.  Pierce left one of your necklaces in my sock drawer, one in my underwear drawer, and two in my other sock drawer.  Then, it dawned on me.  The morning before while I was getting ready, Pierce had taken some of my necklaces out of the drawer in the bathroom.  Later, I was looking for them, but couldn't find them, so I gave up on the search.  Now, I knew where they were--in my husband's dresser drawers.  The following morning, I'm putting his laundry away and I open the drawers and what do I see?  That's right, my necklaces.  The silly man never even removed the necklaces from the drawers.  Maybe, he really does want to be a cross-dresser...........;)


Monday, June 27, 2011

From Crib to Toddler Bed

Ok, so we have been working on transitioning our son, Pierce, into his toddler bed.  We've had the toddler bed for a couple of months now, but figured he might not be ready to leave his crib for the cool bed that his daddy put together just yet.  Therefore, I've put it off for a couple of months.  With the impending arrival of our new son at the end of September, we were hoping that we would be able to use Pierce's crib for the new nursery and not have to buy a new one.  But, I'm not one to push my son to do something to suit my own selfish needs, so if I have to buy a new crib, then we will.

I've been bracing myself for the battle of trying to get him to sleep in his big boy bed.  I've dreamt of all the horror stories that I've heard: the kicking, the screaming, the getting out of the bed constantly, the drop, kick, and roll tantrum, the crying, etc...  I don't know about other people, but I'm not one who likes to listen to their child cry and throw tantrums--though, it is amusing at times to watch him throw himself onto the floor and kick like a fish out of water.  Anyways, I thought to myself, "This is going to be one long night."  Not to mention that being 6 months pregnant doesn't exactly give me the patience or the desire to want to chase a 20-month-old all over the place in order to get him back inside his bed.

Night One:  My husband and I put Pierce into his bed.  He gets up and turns on the humidifier, crawls back into bed, gets up again, and grabs his stuffed teddy bear, and crawls back into bed.  Then, he sits up and begins the ever soothing technique of thumb in mouth.  I lay him down and tell him, "It's night-night time."  He settles in and 5 minutes later he is out.  He sleeps there all night.......until 6:30 in the morning.

Night Two:  Okay, so the first night wasn't so bad, he must be teasing me and saving it for tonight.  It's 8:15 and I take him up to bed and ready him for the rest of the night.  I lay him down and 15 minutes later he is zonked.  Wow, can it really be true?  Is he going to make this easy on his back-aching mama??  He sleeps there all night, until about 6:15 in the morning.  I must admit, these early morning wake-up calls are starting to get to me while I'm on summer vacation.  But, he's so darn cute, I deal-----like I have a choice. =)

Night Three:  My husband is at the Willie Nelson concert with some friends, so I'm on my own tonight.  Not that it matters since he's made the first two nights easy, right?  Yep, that's about it.  I put him to bed and I lay down on the floor next to his bed.  He stirs and talks, and plays with the curtain with his foot.  He actually finds this latter activity quite amusing for some reason because he keeps cracking up as he moves the curtain.  I just lay there and eventually hear the soothing sound of the thumb being sucked.  I know it's a matter of minutes now.  Within about 2 minutes I hear nothing.  I lift my head up of the ground and he is completely passed out on his back, arms and legs spread wide open.  He must be thinking that this will help him to dream about flying.

Around 12:00 I hear him stirring a bit and then all is quiet.  I get up about 20 minutes later because it's hot as Hades up in this place and I decide to check on him.  There he is sprawled out on the floor--all that flying must've got him so excited that he thought he was a Blue Angel and turned upside down and rolled right off his bed.  So, I pick him up, put him back in his bed, and he's back to dreaming about being a pilot.

Night Four:  He is making this way too easy.  Fifteen minutes after putting him in his bed, he's passed out.  Though, he did actually sleep until almost 8:00 this morning.  I am one happy mom at this point.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

June 23, 2011

It's summer vacation, no work, no lesson planning, no grading, no meetings.  Just, a nice refreshing break from the interior of work. Hallelujah!  Or, so I thought....

I'm sitting here thinking about all the things that I need to accomplish, the time I have to do it in, and then reality settles in......I'm almost 6 months pregnant, I have a 20-month-old at home, it's miserably hot outside, and there is so much going on around me that seems to be happening in the blink of an eye.  I'm letting these little moments pass me by.  I don't want to miss anything, or the chance to talk about, reflect, and share these little moments of our "life".  So, as I sit here at 10 o'clock at night, I thought to myself, why not create a blog.  It's an easy way to entertain myself with the simple things in life, but more than that, to just simply enjoy these moments.  I'm not getting any younger here--let's be honest, I've been out of high school for 15 years already. students all think I'm still in my 20's.....ha!

Anyways, I figure I'll give this a try.  What to expect, let's about the sarcastic jokes, comments, anecdotes that I endure daily from my darling husband......yes, he makes me laugh just about every day with his witty take of the world and the conversations he has with our animals.  The joys of motherhood and the impending arrival of our new little one; who by the way, is having a boxing tournament in my stomach as I type.  I think he's winning the fight against my ever expanding uterus.  I can always use this blog as an opportunity to share the recipes I try and subject my husband to, and just life in general.  Let's not forget my darling students as I progress through each school year.  There is always something comical about what happens in a middle school.......seriously, I think it's the best job in the world. 
