Friday, November 18, 2011

The Spongebob Balloon

My mom decided to take Pierce out the other day so that I could have a break.  I definitely needed a nap, and since my little one was sleeping, I was able to do so when she took Pierce out.  Well, they got home around his nap time and I walk into his room while my mom is putting him down for his nap.  I noticed that he has a Spongebob balloon next to his bed--ok, he was hanging onto the string.  My mom was like, "Yeah, I got him a balloon." 

Well, when he woke up from said nap, the balloon was still in his hand.  He came down the stairs and the adventure with the balloon began.

Let's take a look at his day with the balloon:

This is him eating his yogurt for lunch (this is after he came downstairs)

Going back up the stairs after lunch to get a bath

Carrying his balloon and his towel to the bathroom to get a bath.

Yep, you guessed it, the balloon is in the bathtub with him.

In honor of the Spongebob balloon, we put in a blue and a yellow bath fizz tab.

Walking back to his room after his bath

All dressed in his jammies and ready to head back down the stairs after his bath

Outside, on the slide of his play set.

Riding his tricycle outside with the balloon still firmly attached!

I didn't get a pic of him jumping on the trampoline with it.

So, later that evening, his foot got caught up in the cord and the weight snapped off and he let go of it.  It floated towards the ceiling and he started screaming as if someone had cut off his thumb.  My mom couldn't move fast enough to grab the string and get the balloon back into his hands.

Please note, that in all the pictures, he is hanging onto the balloon, and not the string.  So, you can understand why he was so upset about the balloon being in the air, even when he could still grab the screen.


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