Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanksgiving Recipes & Thankfulness

The one thing we should never lose sight of is what we are truly thankful for.  Thanksgiving shouldn't be the only time of year that we gather with our family & friends, the only time we reflect on what we are thankful for, or tell others why we are thankful.  I know that I am forever grateful for God giving me life, a great family, and blessing me with the care of my two absolutely wonderful boys.  Even when I feel stressed with work, my kids, my husband, and whatever else we stress about in life, I know that I am truly more blessed than 98% of the people in this world.  I have a roof over my head, food on the table, an education, a job, and a family who loves me unconditionally.  What more could a gal ask for?  Not much.

Now, let's get onto some recipes, yo!

My favorite food on Thanksgiving is mashed potatoes, I think I could just eat these all day long and be satisfied.  The recipe I am posting will not have amounts next to them as the amounts vary depending on how many people I am cooking for and my own personal taste at the moment.  However, I will steal a picture of potatoes from the Taste of Home website for now--just a generic photo, not one of my potatoes.  Recipe below the photo:


Red Potatoes
Sour Cream
Cream Cheese
Garlic Salt
Shredded Cheddar Cheese


Cube the red potatoes (do not peel) and bring to a boil for approx. 20 minutes.  Drain and put into kitchen mixer.  Add butter, milk, cream cheese, and sour cream.  Beat on medium-low for 2 minutes.  Add in garlic salt, paprika, and cheddar cheese.  Mix for another minute or so.  I usually taste the potatoes as I am mixing to see if I need to add more garlic salt or paprika.  Serve immediately.

I sometimes will put them into a baking dish, top with a layer of cheddar cheese, and bake in the oven at 350 for 20 minutes to give it a nice crisp texture.

Macaroni and Cheese

I absolutely love this recipe I found on a blog!  It has a nice kick to it and is simply delicious.  I will post the picture and link to the recipe.  Now, I am not fond of onions, so I omit them from the recipe.  Enjoy!

Baked Parmesan Tomatoes

This recipe has been modified from website.


Tomatoes- halved horizontally
Grated Parmesan Cheese
Fresh Oregano or Basil
Salt and Pepper
Dijon Mustard
Olive Oil


Preheat oven to 450 degrees.  Place tomatoes cut-side up on a baking sheet. Place a small drop of dijon mustard in the center of each tomato. Drizzle with olive oil and top with parmesan cheese, oregano or basil, salt and pepper. Bake for approximately 15 minutes.  You can also put these on the grill for a barbecue. =)

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Spongebob Balloon

My mom decided to take Pierce out the other day so that I could have a break.  I definitely needed a nap, and since my little one was sleeping, I was able to do so when she took Pierce out.  Well, they got home around his nap time and I walk into his room while my mom is putting him down for his nap.  I noticed that he has a Spongebob balloon next to his bed--ok, he was hanging onto the string.  My mom was like, "Yeah, I got him a balloon." 

Well, when he woke up from said nap, the balloon was still in his hand.  He came down the stairs and the adventure with the balloon began.

Let's take a look at his day with the balloon:

This is him eating his yogurt for lunch (this is after he came downstairs)

Going back up the stairs after lunch to get a bath

Carrying his balloon and his towel to the bathroom to get a bath.

Yep, you guessed it, the balloon is in the bathtub with him.

In honor of the Spongebob balloon, we put in a blue and a yellow bath fizz tab.

Walking back to his room after his bath

All dressed in his jammies and ready to head back down the stairs after his bath

Outside, on the slide of his play set.

Riding his tricycle outside with the balloon still firmly attached!

I didn't get a pic of him jumping on the trampoline with it.

So, later that evening, his foot got caught up in the cord and the weight snapped off and he let go of it.  It floated towards the ceiling and he started screaming as if someone had cut off his thumb.  My mom couldn't move fast enough to grab the string and get the balloon back into his hands.

Please note, that in all the pictures, he is hanging onto the balloon, and not the string.  So, you can understand why he was so upset about the balloon being in the air, even when he could still grab the screen.


Sunday, November 13, 2011


I've started the process of trying to organize the boys playroom--post down below.  Then, in my search on one of my favorite sites--Etsy-- for stuff for Cohen's nursery, I came across this:

Courteous of OpenHeartCreations on Etsy

Then I saw this one!

Courteous of OpenHeartCreations on Etsy

I started wondering if I should get this decal and take down my wooden letters.  I absolutely LOVE it!!  How perfect that I have two boys and it fits perfectly into the playroom theme.  Hmmmm.....wonder what my hubby would think about this instead of what we already have.  Considering that the letters were first glued then nailed into the wall, I don't know how excited he would be to take it down.  But, we shall see.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Today marks my 3rd anniversary with my wonderful husband.  We've been together for 5 1/2 years and married for 3.  Three years and two kids later and we haven't killed one another yet.....heehee.  Here's to many more with one of the kindest and caring people I know.  Don't tell him I said this as he would deny it all. ;) 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Playroom Makeover

We have this room attached to our family room--no doors separating the two rooms, just a wall, but there are two openings in the wall, so it's just a weird space.  When Pierce was about 8 months old, we turned it from an office into a playroom for him.  We figured this way we could have a place for all of his toys and still monitor him while he plays.  Well, over a year later, toy land has exploded into a Toys R' Us and has gotten a little out of control.  It's still clean and organized, but I'd like it to look more like a "play room" that is completely organized and a space for our little ones.  My husband is a sucker, so I don't see the toy/game/cars/power wheel shopping stopping anytime, change needs to occur.

Well, here is my first step.  I have to start somewhere, and this gives the room more of a purpose and a statement.

Yes, I realize the letter are a little crooked and all, but I'm a teacher, not an interior decorator.  Although it does drive me a little batty looking at it and realizing that it's not perfect.  But, those letters are glued to the wall and then nailed in, so don't think I will be fixing it anytime soon. =)

Next step, buying a 16 cubicle shelf that I can use to start the ultimate organization.  I know the kids could care a less, but it will make this A-type personality gal feeling much more accomplished and on top of things.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Christmas shopping has begun....

I know Thanksgiving is still 3 weeks away, but we all know that Christmas all but rears its white, ugly head and takes over the infamous turkey day.  I think Thanksgiving is starting to get a little irritated and needs to let Christmas know how it feels....

So, now that Christmas has been put into its place, let's move on to why I'm here today: Christmas shopping.....heehee

Between the husband, the two kids, family members, and friends, I have to start early, so I don't feel inundated at the last moment.  Plus, there is nothing more devastating (to me at least) when you see that perfect gift, hold off on buying it because it's too early to do so, and when you go back to get it, it's either gone or the price has gone up.  I choose to buy it when I see it instead. =)

Well, here's a gift that I think the hubby needs to buy for Pierce.  If it puts a smile on his face, then why not....

And, I found one at Buy Buy Baby! Yes, Pierce, here is your big gift for Christmas.  It will go in the backyard right next to your swing set and trampoline! 

Mommy and Daddy

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween 2011

It's that time of the time of the year.....ghosts, goblins, and witches, oh my! This is officially Pierce's 3rd Halloween, but his first time going out trick-or-treating.  He was only one month old his first Halloween.  He was a giraffe that year and a lion last year.  He has always looked so darn cute, so why mess with what works......yep can you say "The cutest monkey EVER????" Yeah, I thought so too....

Ok, so we can't forget baby Cohen!

And, a side-by-side of Cohen (left) and baby Pierce (right) wearing the same giraffe costume.
My poor babies!