Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Out with the Old....

One of my goals this year is to get my house completely organized.  It's not messy, nor do we have a lot of stuff lying around, it just needs some organization since the storage space in this house is sufficient enough for Jerry the mouse.  One of the first steps is to get all the Christmas stuff packed up (which we did the day after Christmas) and placed into the attic.  Next step, getting rid of all the plants that I received from students and friends.

My sister-in-law gave us a beautiful bouquet of flowers inside of an ornament vase.  It looks like we can use the vase as a candy jar of some sort.  Anywho, the top of the vase is so pretty that this picture does absolutely no justice to it.

Cohen turned 3 months old on Christmas day.  He is officially 25% of the way to his first birthday.  Of course this means that he is now going to start doing more and more things.  Today's picture is of him grabbing onto some of his dangley toys in his new mat that his grandma bought him.  He truly is amazing!

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